Solved precis paper of 2019

Precise Paper MCQ's 2019:

Antonyms : 

1) Scurrilous

a) Decent          b) ribald

c) Abusive          d) Mitigate

2) Salutary

a) Upright          b) dependable

c) Injurious          d) serious

3) Inane 

a) Sensible          b) Idiotic

c) Illogical          d) Imbecilic

4) Melancholy

a) Desolate               b) Exuberant

c) Melancholic          d) Lugubrious

5) Denigrate

a) Decry     b) Laud

c) Deprecate d) Diminish

6) Strident

a) Muffled               b) Enfold

c) Encompass          d) Embrace

7) Convoluted

a) complex          b) Labyrinthine

c) Simple               d) Elaborate

8) Enfranchise

a) Emancipate          b) Loose

c) Subjugate          d) Unbind

9) Obliterate

a) Create          b) Annihilate

c) Abolish          d) Liquidate

10) Anomaly

a) Abnormality          b) Consistency

c) Rarity                    d) Aberration

Synonyms :

1) Pusillanimous

a) Coward          b) Intrepid

c) Gallant           d) Valorous

2) Sabbatical

a) Sick leave             b) Leave of absence

c) Shore leave          d) Recess

3)  Charlatan

a) Impostor          b) Quack

c) Operator          d) Maestro

4) Vacillate

a) Keep an eye on          b) Waiver

c) Attend                         d) Nourish

5) Bellicose

a) Nasty                    b) War Like

c) Belligerent             d) Military

6) Tumult

a) Confusion          b) Commotion

c) Disorder             d) Agitation

7) Flabbergasted

a) Astonished          b) Fascinated

c) Gaping                 d) Dazed

8) Sleazy

a) Dirty            b) Cheap

c) Mangy          d) Flimsy

9) Oxidized

a) Reduced          b) Rusty

c) Alkalize            d) Basify

10) Embryonic

a) Paranoiac               b)Emblazoner

c) Rudimentary          d) Sardonic

Question no 2:

Write a precis of the following passage and also suggest a suitable title:

I think modern educational theorists are inclined to attach too much importance to the negative virtue of not interfering with children, and too little to the positive merit of enjoying their company. If you have the sort of liking for children that many people have for horses or dogs, they will be apt to respond to your suggestions, and to accept prohibitions, perhaps with some good-humored grumbling, but without resentment. It is no use to have the sort of liking that consists in regarding them as a field for valuable social endeavor, or what amounts to the same thing as an outlet for power-impulses. No child will be grateful for an interest in him that spring from the thought that he will have a vote to be secured for your party or a body to be sacrificed to king and country. The desirable sort of interest is that which consists in spontaneous pleasure in the presence of children, without any ulterior purpose. Teachers who have this quality will seldom need to interface with children's freedom, but will be able to do so, when necessary, without causing psychological damage.

Unfortunately, it is utterly impossible for over worked teachers to preserve an instinctive liking  for children; they are bound to come to feel towards them as the proverbial confectioner's apprentice does towards macaroons. I do not think that education ought to be anyone's whole profession: it should be undertaken for at most two hours a day by people whose remaining hours are spend away from children. The society of the young is fatiguing, especially when strict discipline is avoided. Fatigue, in the end, produces irritation, which is likely to express itself somehow, whatever theories the harassed teacher may have taught himself or herself to believe. The necessary friendliness cannot be preserved by self-control alone. But where it exists, it should be unnecessary to have rules in advance as to how "naughty" children are to be treated, since impulse is likely to lead to the right decision, and almost any decision will be right if the child feels that you like him. No rules, however wise, are a substitute for affection and tact.


Title: It's time for educators to revisit an ethic of excellence

The author says that modern educationists wrongly prefer not to interface with children whereas they should enjoy their company. If one likes children they way one likes one's pets, they will be more responsive without complaining much. If one tries to create in them a social sense and has in mind some future expectations of them; they will not feel thankful. One's interest in children should spring from an instinctive pleasure in the company of children without any ulterior motive.

Unfortunately, teachers are over-burdened. They can't maintain a natural liking for children. Teachers contact with children  should not exceed two hours a day. Dealing with children, without strict discipline, is tiresome. This causes obvious irritation despite the teachers'  theories. Mere self-control cannot produce the feelings of friendliness which is above rules. the impulse provides guidance. The giving of love is an education in itself.  

Question no 4 :

Correct only five of the following :

  1. He enjoyed _______ during the holidays. (himself)
  2. None of the boys had learnt their lesson. (his)
  3. His is abusing the money of his father. (wasting)
  4. I regret at the delay.( I regret the delay)
  5. I could not help but laugh. (laughing)
  6. I always have and always shall be your friend. (I have been )
  7. I was out walking when I saw the new moon in the garden.(I was out walking in the garden when I saw the new moon)
  8. He cried as if he was mad. (were)


Punctuate the following Text, where necessary:

(a) a hungry lion slipped out of the forest into a barnyard one evening when he saw a plump donkey his mouth began to water but just as he was ready to jump on the donkey a rooster crowd he was frightened  and so turned away into the forest again hey look at that cowardly lion the donkey brayed to the rooster i am going to chase him and the donkey ran after the lion wait the rooster shouted you dont know that but it was too late the lion had turned and killed the donkey ah my poor stupid friend the rooster said as he watched the lion eating the donkey the lion wasnt afraid of you but of my crowing.

A hungry lion slipped out of the forest into a barnyard one evening when he saw a plump donkey. His mouth began to water but just as he was ready to jump on the donkey, a rooster crowed. He was frightened  and so turned away into the forest again. "Hey ! Look at that cowardly lion," the donkey brayed to the rooster, "I am going to chase him." And the donkey ran after the lion. "Wait!" the rooster shouted, "You don't know that." But it was too late. The lion had turned and killed the donkey. "Ah, my poor stupid friend!" the rooster said as he watched the lion eating the donkey, "the lion wasn't afraid of you but of my crowing."

(b) Re-write the following sentences (only five) after filling in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

  1. What time do we arrive ______ our destination? (at)
  2. We are flying ______ some rough weather ; please  fasten you seat belts. (through)
  3. It is warming up; ______ noon we should be able to go swimming. (by)
  4. My parents are not responsible _____ my actions. (for)
  5. This pan is ______  cooking omelettes. (for)
  6. ________ poor attendance, this course is being cancelled. (for)
  7. The police took the men in _______ questioning. (for)
  8. The woman you gave the book ____ is my aunt. (to)


Use only five of the following in Sentences which illustrate their Meanings.

  • To cast pearls before swine:

I am afraid you were casting pearls before swine with your good advice he would not listen.

  • To step into one's shoes:

In America, if a president resigns or dies in office, the vice president steps into his shoes.

  • Stuff and nonsense :

Stuff and nonsense ! Do not try to make a fool of me.

  • A wild goose chase :

We wasted all day a wild-goose chase.

  • To be ill at ease :

On camera he appears twitchy and ill at ease.

  • Sit on the fence:

He tends to sit on the fence at meetings.

  • In a jiffy :

Please wait half a jiffy.

  • To preen oneself :

You preen your right wing.

Question no 7 :

Translate the following into English by keeping in view figurative/idiomatic expressions.

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Pakistan is determined to secure peace in Afghanistan because peace in Afghanistan is extremely important for Pakistan. A glance at historical perspective, will reveal that both Pakistan and Afghanistan are bound up with historical, cultural and linguistic relations. There relations are inalienable. Both countries depend on each other and neither can live without the other. From day one, Pakistan's stance has been that a political solution to the Afghan problem be found. Even China supports this view. China has said in this context that Afghan problem can only be solved through negotiations involving the all Afghan parties.

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