Water is the basic component of life. Life without water is impossible. Water is required for domestic, commercial and industrial use. Water is required for drinking, irrigation, energy and other purposes. There is also a strong link between Blue Gold (water), Red Gold (Energy) and Green Gold (Agriculture). Water is the backbone of agriculture and agriculture is the backbone of Pakistan's economy. Agriculture constitutes 20.9% of GDP and provides 43.5% of employment. It also provides us with exports and food. Water is the lifeblood of agriculture. About 1/3rd (22.6 million acres) of land remains untapped mainly because of non-development of water resources. God has blessed Pakistan with abundant water resources in the form of river flows, rainfalls and ground water resources. Unfortunately, in spite of having abundant water resources, Pakistan is still facing severe water crises. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) reports that Pakistan is swiftly approaching water scarcity, with per capita surface water availability dropping below 1000 cubic meters. Without proactive measures to conserve water, Pakistan may soon be classified as a water-scarce nation.
Pakistan has three major river basins: Indus Basin (142 MAF), Makaran Coastal Basin (3 MAF), and Kharan Closed Desert Basin (.8 MAF). Of the total available annual flow in Indus Basin (140 MAF), 106 MAF is directed into the irrigation system while the remaining 36 MAF goes downstream Kotri, where around Below Kotri, 10 million acre-feet (MAF) of water is utilized, while the remaining 26 MAF flows unused into the Indian Ocean.
Monsoon and Westerly currents are the two main sources of water from rainfall. Pakistan typically receives an average rainfall of approximately 12 inches.. Approximately 17 MAF are available from hill torrent flows.
Ground water supplies around 45% of crop water requirements since it permits farmers to have greater control over water and its timely application to crops. Approximately 56 MAF are available from ground water resources. Thus, in total, Pakistan gets around 215 MAF of water from river (142 MAF), rainfall (17 MAF) and ground water (56 MAF) resources. Of the total, 170 million acre-feet (MAF) are allocated for irrigation/agriculture, with 100 MAF utilized at the farmgate, while 5.8 MAF are earmarked for municipal and sanitation purposes, and 2.2 MAF for industrial use., and around 36 MAF goes to Indian Ocean unused. Around 100 MAF can be saved if field loss and downstream-going unused water is saved.
As far as the physical water infrastructure is concerned, there were 3 large dams (Terbela, Mangala, Chashma ), about 80 small and medium dams, 45 canals,18 barrages and 12 link canals in Pakistan by 2011.
2 new dams are proposed (Kalabagh and Basha ).
Indus Water Treaty 1960 was signed by Pakistan and India with the World Bank as mediator. India was given exclusive use of Eastern rivers ( Ravi, Sutlej, Beas)and Pakistan was given the use of Western rivers (Indus, Jhelum, Chenab).However., India was allowed to build limited Pakistan was authorized to develop hydroelectric projects along its run-of-river waters, yet it was prohibited from constructing dams or altering the course of Pakistani waterways. Consequently, Pakistan relinquished its water rights as the downstream riparian.. World Bank also aided Pakistan in construction of Mangala and Terbela dams. On March 16, 1991, the four provinces of Pakistan came together to sign the Indus Water Appropriation Accord in Karachi. Allocation was 56 MAF to Punjab, 48 MAF to Sindh, 9 MAF(6+3) to NWFP and 4 MAF to Baluchistan. Future storages were 37% each to Punjab and Sindh, 14% to NWFP, and 12% to Baluchistan.
As per the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Pakistan has emerged as one of the most water-stressed nations, with per capita surface water availability falling below 1000 cubic meters. and is likely to be characterized as water-scarce country very soon if pragmatic steps have not been taken to preserve water. Pakistan's water stress primarily stems from climate change, inadequate water storage, inefficient water usage, and India's construction of dams on Pakistani waterways. Around 36 MAF goes into sea and more than 50% water is lost in field application.
Pakistan is located in a tropical area. Due to the climate change, increase in temperature has resulted in an increase in melting of glaciers on Himalayas and Karakorum and evaporation of water which is resulting in decrease in water availability in Pakistan.
Under the provisions of the Indus Waters Treaty, India was allocated the Eastern waters (Ravi, Sutlej, Beas), while Pakistan was granted the Western waters (Indus, Chenab, and Jhelum). Currently, India is building a chain of new dams on Chenab and Jhelum (Pakistani waters) which is against the IWT(Indus water treaty) and can cause serious economic and water problems (reduced inflows in droughts, floods in Monsoons) in Pakistan. A list compiled by PICW (Permanent Indus Waters Commission ) reveals that India had completed 41 hydropower projects 12 are underway and 155 other to plan for the future. Projects underway include Baglihar 2, Ranja Ala-Dunadi, Uri-2, and Kishanganga. Where planned projects include Sialkot, Seli, Pakaldul, Bursar, Rattle, Kiru, Sonamarg Storage, Gangabal Storage, and Ujh Storage.
Pakistan has taken various projects to International Court of Arbitration (ICA) for justice and India has been barred from undertaking various projects by ICA. Conflict arises regarding the interpretation of IWT because:
Floods of 2005, 2010, 2014, 2022
Cooperation is the only viable option as water is so important that nations cannot afford to fight over it.
Water is linked to crises of climate change, energy and food supplies and prices and troubled financial markets. For Pakistan, water is the backbone of its agriculture and economy. Pakistan is facing increasing water stress, attributed to climate change, Indian hydro projects affecting Pakistani waters, and mismanagement of water resources. The looming water scarcity poses significant challenges for Pakistan, necessitating urgent and effective measures to ensure the efficient management and conservation of water resources.