The National Environment Policy aims to protect, conserve and restore Pakistan's environment in order to improve the quality of life of the citizens through sustainable development.

Objective :

 The objectives of the Policy are:

 (a) Conservation, restoration and efficient management of environmental resources.

 (b) Integration of environmental consideration in policy making and planning process.

 (c) Creating massive environmental awareness in Pakistan.

 (d) Capacity building of the governmental agencies (EPA).

 (e) Meeting international commitment.

Sectors addressed under NEP :

a) Water management and it's sustainable supply.

  1. Developing policy framework, regarding water in Pakistan.
  2. Increasing water coverage area in Pakistan. ( increasing coverage area of drinking water)
  3. Installation of waste water treatment plant.
  4. Introducing cost efficient technology in Pakistan.
  5. Use of micro-organisms to clean/treat the water.
  6. Environmental education.
  7. Designing water conservation act in Pakistan.
  8. Improving water storage capacity of Pakistan.

b) Air quality and noise :

  1. Developing and implementing NEQ'S regarding air and noise.
  2. Developing policy framework on air quality and noise in Pakistan.
  3. Introducing traffic charge rule in Pakistan.
  4. Promoting awareness regarding air quality and noise in Pakistan.

c) Waste management :

  1. Strengthening the role of municipal corporation.
  2. Improving the reporting system regarding the solid waste in Pakistan.
  3. Developing policy framework  regarding solid waste in Pakistan.
  4. Improving awareness regarding solid waste.
  5. Strengthening the waste disposal in Pakistan. 

d) Agriculture and livestock :

  1. Improving soil's fertility and management of water run off.
  2. Improving irrigation system.
  3. Improving capacity building of farmers.
  4. Improving facilities of livestock. ( loans ==> so that  livestock is setup as a sector to increase GDP growth ). 

e) Depletion of ozone layer and climate change :

  1. Developing policy framework regarding climate change.
  2. Meeting international commitment regarding ozone depletion and climate change.
  3. Introducing adaptaion and mitigation measures regarding climate change in Pakistan.
  4. Creating awareness.

f) Forests :

  1. Increasing forest cover.
  2. Encouraging urban plantation.
  3. Implementing National Forest Policy.
  4. Discouraging illegal deforestation.

g) Bio diversity loss :

  1. Identifying endangered species, extinct species.
  2. Identifying the factors responsible for biodiversity loss in Pakistan.
  3. Implementing  convention on Biodiversity (CBD).
  4. Awareness.

h) Energy sector :

  1. Introducing renewable energy sources.
  2. Developing policy framework regarding energy sector in Pakistan.
  3. Promoting alternative fuels in Pakistan.

Policy instruments to achieve NEP :

  • Legislation.
  • Through the regulatory  mechanisms. (institution)
  • Measurements to improve the capacity building.
  • Public private partnership.
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